Explanation of the Tags
used on Your Second Page

<TITLE> ... </TITLE> -
(Tells the browser what to put at the top of its window)

<i> ... </i> -
(Tells the browser to put what is in between in italics)

<font size=+5> ... </font> -
(Tells the browser to use a font five sizes above the default font)

<hr> -
(Tells the browser to use a separator which is basically a horizontal line)

<A HREF="http://www.host.site/filename.html">Somewhere</A> -
(Tells the browser that you want to make a link to the address http://www.host.site/filename.html and that you want the highlighted link to read Somewhere)

<b> ... </b> -
(Tells the browser to put what is in between in bold.